Terms and Conditions

By continuing to browse this site, you approve and submit to the following terms and conditions as well as the use of cookies as explained below. 

The terms “LEAP” or “we” refer to the owners of this website registered LEAP Desguinlei 224, 2018 Antwerp. The term “you” refers to users of our website.

The use of this site is subject to the following conditions:

  • The content of these pages was created for informational purposes only. It may be subject to changes without prior notification from us.
  • This site uses cookies to measure the preferences of your internet browser (languages, contact…). Refer to our cookie policy for more information. (check cookies / how it works)
  • Neither we nor a third party provides any guarantee as to the veracity, duration in time, performance, completeness or relevance of the information and content present on this website; regardless of its use and destination. You are therefore aware that the content may contain errors or inaccuracies and that we reject any responsibility for these errors or inaccuracies and their possible consequences.
  • The use of any material or content from this website is done at your own risk and we will not be held responsible. It is your responsibility to ensure that information about products, services, people or any other topic from this site is fair and usable in the eyes of the law.
  • This site contains textual and audiovisual content that meets a license for which we own the rights. These contents include (not strictly limited): design, images, videos, texts, audio… 
  • Their reproduction is prohibited if it does not respect the concepts of copyright and without our explicit consent.
  • Inappropriate use of this website or its contents will result in legal action.
  • This website may include links to other websites or digital media. These links are offered to you in order to provide more useful information. We are in no way responsible for the content offered.


The site and its content belong to LEAP  b.v. 


LEAP b.v.


The design, technical design as well as development were carried out by Diogo Pereira for LEAP  b.v.


LEAP b.v.


www.takealeap.be is intended to describe the company’s activities and to collect applications. 

As part of any recruitment process, LEAP  b.v. collects and processes personal data relating to candidates. 


LEAP b.v. collects data including:

  • Your name, address and contact information (email address and phone number)
  • Details of your qualifications, skills, experiences
  • Information about your salary level, including your rights to benefits
  • Whether or not you have a disability for which the organisation must make reasonable adjustments during the recruitment process;
  • Informations about your eligibility to work in a specific regions.

Data can be contained in application forms, CVs, obtained from your social media accounts or collected during interviews or from third parties to provide references. Data will be stored in application files and HR management tools.


We need to process data during application phase and in order to make a contract with you. 

In some cases, we will have to process data to ensure that we meet our legal obligations.We will also be able to share your personal data, such as your age, skills or diplomas, with our clients and partners in order to find suitable projects. Your data may also be used for commercial purposes and as part of the tendering process. We process this information in order to meet our obligations and exercise specific employment rights. If your application is not successful, LEAP  b.v. will keep your personal data for future job opportunities.


Your information will be shared internally for recruitment purpose. This includes HR and recruitment team, business managers and IT.
We will be able to share your data with third parties, such as customers or partners looking for people matching your skills and experience. We will not share your name or contact information.


If your application is not successful, LEAP b.v. will keep your data for 2 years following the end of the recruitment process.

If you wish to withdraw your consent, your data will be deleted.

If your application is successful, personal data collected during the recruitment process will be transferred to HR and Administration files (electronic and paper format) and kept during your employment.


You can:

  • Access a copy of your data on request
  • Ask the organisation to change incorrect or incomplete data
  • Require the organisation to delete or stop processing your data

If you wish to exercise any of these rights, please contact us at info@takealeap.be


There is contractual obligation to provide data to LEAP  b.v. during the recruitment process. However, if you do not provide any information, we may not be able to process your application, or incorrectly.

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