Taking a Leap has never been so simple!



Creation & Advise of your activity

We realise the project together and go through all the administrative steps for you


Reach your goals

Our team coaches and guides you towards YOUR dream project




Activity & project management

Thanks to our tools , you can focus 100% on your passion. Managing your daily activity is so simple!


LEAP Experts

Because it is important to surround yourself well, you can rely on the services of our NL/FR experts.

Congrats! You’re ready to conquer the world!

What's in it for you
as a Free-Leaper

We carry your backpack

You are individually guided towards the creation of your own activity.

You will be lifted of all the boring (admin) steps

Career Management

You are coached towards your dream projects in: branding, interview skills, pricing and profile valorisation 

During three years you are guided in your ideal career choices.

LEAP Partnerships

LEAP gives you the opportunity to connect with TOP 500 companies and the most ambitious projects.

Full Access to THE Experts’s support in Training, Finance, PPE, Insurances , Mobility…

Maximising YOUR worth!

Leap Academy optimises your skill-set to always stay a step ahead and increase your value on the market.

You maximise your earnings becoming a Free-Leaper.

To spend it you can rely on the LEAP experts in Finance and asset management.


As a participative member of LEAP you benefit form support, knowledge, best practices, exchanges, mentorships, tips & tricks from the whole LEAP family.

What's in it for you as an Evolution-Leaper

LEAP EVOLUTION boosts the course
of your Career!

A 1 year flex2perm journey , supported and followed towards a smooth integration with the most ambitious companies.

On top of the ability to rapidly increase your skill-set and have fun, we provide you with a very competitive salary package and benefits.

Of course you also benefit from our Experts, Leap Academy and Leap Community.

On this journey everything is clear from the beginning, no surprises… Total transparency.

Sign up as free-leaper

Freelancer to be or already experienced? Create a free account and join the Leaper's community

LEAP> Antwerp

LEAP> Brussels

LEAP> Portugal

LEAP> France

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