Data Policy

1. Data protection policy

This Personal Data Protection Policy outlines the methods we use to collect, manage and use your Personal Data.

This policy can be amended, supplemented, deleted or updated; however, we will always process your Personal Information in accordance with the Policy in effect at the time of collection.

Our Data Protection Policy can be found on the “Terms and Conditions” page of our website, which is available at any time. 

2. Data Privacy Guarantees

The term “Personal Data,” as used in this Policy, refers to information such as your name, date of birth, email address or telephone number, or any data that directly or indirectly identifies individuals, in accordance with the RGPD Article 4.1.

As a general rule, we will process your Personal Data according to the procedure described in this Policy. We reserve the right to perform additional treatment that would be required by law, or in the context of a criminal investigation.

The following sections explain how your personal data is collected.

3. Use of personal data

Most of our services do not require any form of registration, which allows you to visit our site without having to identify yourself. However, some services may require the disclosure of certain personal data. In these cases, if you choose not to provide the information needed, you may not be able to access parts of the site, and we may not be able to respond to your request.

Depending on current regulations, your Personal Data allows us to provide you with products or services, charge you for the products and services requested, offer you products and services that may be of interest to you, or communicate with you for other obvious purposes given the circumstances and on which we inform you when we collect your Personal Data.

Our website allows us to relay information on our website within social networks such as Facebook or LinkedIn. This information relay through third-party sites with their own data protection policy. We invite you to consult their terms of use and personal data protection.

4. Non-disclosure of data 

Your Personal Data will never be sold, shared or shared to third parties, other than the cases provided by this Policy. 

Your personal data may be shared with third parties acting for us or our account as part of a specific treatment in accordance with the purposes for which it was originally collected, or may be treated legally, according to local regulations, in the context of activities such as providing services, assessing the usefulness of this site, marketing and product marketing, data management or technical support.

These third parties have contracted to use your Personal Data only for the agreed purposes, and not to sell or disclose it to other third parties unless required by law, or if we explicitly authorise them, or if a provision is provided for in this Policy.

The personal data we collect may also be shared with a third party if the activity of all or part of this site and associated customer data are sold, transferred or transferred, in which case we will require the purchaser or assignee to process these advertisements in accordance with this Policy.

In addition, personal statements may be disclosed to a third party if we are compelled to do so under a law, or through a law, court order or government regulation, or if such disclosure is necessary in the context of an investigation, or criminal proceedings, at home or abroad.

5. Right of access, rectification and opposition

Whenever we process personal data, we take all reasonable steps to ensure the accuracy of your data.

You have a right of access and a right of opposition to the treatment of your personal data for legitimate reasons, i.e. if such treatment is not reasonably necessary for the pursuit of our legitimate interest as described in this Policy, or for compliance with the law. 

In the event of prospecting, including electronically, we will provide you with the means to object to receiving information or consent to it, in accordance with the law. If you would like to know how we use your Personal Data, or object to the processing of your Personal Data, please contact us via the form available at: http://www.

In this case, please include the name of the website on which you shared your information, as well as the ones you would like us to correct, update or delete, by identifying yourself accurately. Requests to remove personal matters will be subject to the obligations imposed on us by law, such as the preservation or archiving of documents.

If you would like to know how we use your personal statements, or object to their treatment, please send a letter to the following mailing address:  LEAP  b.v. –  LEAP Desguinlei 224, 2018 Antwerp, Belgium.

6. Security and confidentiality

To ensure the safety and privacy of individuals, we use networks protected by standard isO 27001:2013 information security standard.

When processing your personal data, we take all reasonable steps to protect them from loss, misuse, unauthorised access, disclosure, tampering or destruction.

7. Cookies

This site uses cookies to provide you with an optimal experience. By continuing to browse these pages, you agree to our cookie policy.

The site uses tracers (cookies) only so-called “strictly necessary” tracers, which do not require your prior consent.

We use these tracers to enable and facilitate navigation on the site, especially by memorising your browsing preferences defined during your session / providing the services you specifically request such as your preferred language or the information pre-filled for contact fields and finally for the purpose of making anonymous visit statistics.

These tracers cannot technically be deactivated from the site. However, you can object to the use of these tracers, exclusively by setting up your browser. 

The use of tracers is governed by Article 32 II of Law 78-17 of 6 January 1978, transposing Article 5.3 of the 2002/58/EC Directive of the European Parliament and the Council of 12 July 2002 amended by Directive 2009/136/EC.

8. Information on minors

The services available on this site are aimed at adults. Anyone requesting information about a product for minor must be of age. We will not voluntarily collect, use or disclose  personal information provided by a minor, without obtaining the prior consent of the legal guardian (parent or guardian) via direct contact offline.

We will inform this manager (i) of the specific categories of personal individuals collected from the minor, and (ii) of the possibility of opposing the collection, use or conservation of these. We scrupulously respect laws to protect minors.

9. How to contact us

If you have any questions or complaints regarding our compliance with this data privacy policy or if you would like to provide us with recommendations or comments to improve its quality, please contact us via the form available at:


LEAP  b.v. LEAP Desguinlei 224, 2018 Antwerp.

This data protection policy applies from 01/04/2021

LEAP> Antwerp

LEAP> Brussels

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